You’ve invested time, resources, and money to find the right influencer fit. If your product resonates with their tens or hundreds of thousands of Instagram followers, you could see a dramatic increase in visitors to your website. This could easily crash your website, damaging your brand and losing you sales.
Maximize your influencer marketing ROI by ensuring uptime with Queue-it’s virtual waiting room.

of consumers leave a site without buying if they encounter an error
of consumers trust a business less when they experience a website or app problem
of enterprises report downtime costs exceeding $300,000 per hour

"When we decided to do another promotion with Mrs. Hinch, she’d gone from 20k followers to just under 1 million. We needed to have something in place to prevent website issues from happening again. It was literally within a day Queue-it was up and running. Without Queue-it our site probably wouldn’t have been able to handle it and we would have been down for several hours."
Sonya Chatwani, Co-Founder, Easho

"Downtime of even one to two seconds can be very costly. When you multiply that by 60,000-100,000 people, that adds up. Whenever anyone else is involved as well, influencers or another brand, we don't want to affect how their audiences view them. That's another added element for us to make sure we're on top of things during those launches."
Alex Wakim, Director of Operations and Business Development, LiveGlam