All languages are listed below. For more information, or to request an additional language, please contact us.
Arabic (Qatar)
Arabic (Bahrain)
Arabic (Morocco)
Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan)
Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
Catalan (Spain)
Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)
Chinese (PRC)
Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)
Croatian (Croatia)
Czech (Czech Republic)
Danish (Denmark)
Dutch (The Netherlands)
English (Australia)
English (United Kingdom)
English (United States)
Estonian (Estonia)
Faroese (Faroe Islands)
Finnish (Finland)
French (Canada)
French (France)
Galician (Spain)
Georgian (Georgia)
German (Germany)
Greek (Greece)
Haitian Creole (Haiti)
Hebrew (Israel)
Hungarian (Hungary)
Icelandic (Iceland)
Indonesian (Indonesia)
Italian (Italy)
Japanese (Japan)
Korean (Korea)
Lithuanian (Lithuania)
Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)
Polish (Poland)
Portuguese (Brazil)
Portuguese (Portugal)
Romanian (Romania)
Russian (Russia)
Serbian, Cyrillic (Serbia)
Serbian, Latin (Serbia)
Slovak (Slovakia)
Slovenian (Slovenia)
Spanish (Chile)
Spanish (Mexico)
Spanish (Spain)
Swedish (Sweden)
Thai (Thailand)
Turkish (Turkey)
Ukrainian (Ukraine)
Vietnamese (Vietnam)
Welsh (United Kingdom)
You need the Custom Theme feature to add the language selector to your waiting room page. You can then check the option for ‘Show language selector’ under Theme Settings, and choose which languages you would like to have available for your visitors to select. Culture has the translation for the different languages, including specific formats for dates, time, number and text direction (left-to-right, right-to-left).
The language selector is displayed at the top right-hand side of your waiting room page, with a drop-down menu displaying all of the languages available for visitors to select. The language selector is only visible when enabled in your Theme Settings, and when there is more than one language you would like to show on your waiting room theme.