Queue-it to provide fairness to more than 2 billion internet users

Great news! More than 2 billion end-users have now passed through Queue-it, our virtual waiting room system, on their way to participating to our customers’ high-demand online events.
Queue-it is the leading online queue system globally, designed to manage website overload during extreme user peaks resulting from popular events and activities online. Our SaaS solution offloads users that exceed website capacity to the virtual waiting room, where they are redirected back to the website in the correct, sequential order and pace. The solution protects websites against failure and long response times. This way, end-users have a transparent and fair experience and the website performance is optimized.
“It almost goes without saying that this milestone is an obvious step in Queue-it’s evolution and continued growth. I’m so proud of having passed this milestone and the progress it represents. We look forward to continuing to deliver fairness to online end-users worldwide.” says Queue-it CEO & Co-founder, Niels Henrik Sodemann.
Try Queue-it on your website today, get a free trial.