Queue-it customers will receive 3 months discount on all 3 Händlerbund memberships packages in the first year, by using the discount code Queue#HB.

Händlerbund is committed to making ecommerce companies successful ensuring that trust and legal security permeates the shopping journey. We are a proud partner of Händlerbund because we are driven by similar goals. Queue-it ensures websites and apps function 24/7 no matter the demand. We add fairness and transparency to the customer experience without storing consumer data.

Händlerbund is the largest ecommerce association in Europe with more than 80.000 secured online presences.

Händlerbund is the service network for everything concerning digital and stationary trade. Since its founding in 2008, together with its members and partners, Händlerbund promotes the professionalisation of several tens of thousands of online retailers throughout Europe. Händlerbund offers proven legal texts as well as legal advice, protection against legal written warnings and everything else having to do with legal protection in ecommerce.