How online retailers can get the most out of Queue-it

Queue-it’s virtual waiting room is a flexible solution, but how can you get the most out of product? Get best practices for ecommerce success in our customer webinar
Queue-it’s virtual waiting room is a flexible solution. But some decisions lead you to a more successful use of Queue-it than others.
Based on a decade of experience with hundreds of ecommerce customers and hundreds of thousands of queue events, Queue-it Co-Founder and CTO, Martin Pronk, and Customer Success Manager, Garey Symington discuss how ecommerce businesses can the most out of their virtual waiting room.
- Best practices for integrating, implementing & administering Queue-it
- Inspiration from companies using Queue-it innovatively
- An extended Q&A session to help you learn from the Queue-it’s ecommerce community
- An online retailer interested in virtual waiting room best practices
- A Queue-it ecommerce customer
- 0:00 Introduction & Welcome from CTO Martin Pronk & Customer Success Manager Garey Symington
- 5:05 What’s the best way to integrate Queue-it in ecommerce?
- 6:31 As an online retailer, where should I implement Queue-it?
- 11:45 When do I need to use a pre-queue?
- 14:40 What’s the best way for me to protect against bad bots?
- 18:50 What information should I show on the queue page?
- 26:42 What should I do if my site or app starts to become overloaded during the sale
- 29:48 What do I need to know about mobile versus desktop queuing?
- 31:50 Your checklist for running successful ecommerce events with Queue-it
- 32:20 Inspiration for Success: LiveGlam
- 41:41 Inspiration for Success: QoQa
- 46:45 Q&A
Martin Pronk
Queue-it's CTO and Co-Founder, Martin Pronk, is responsible for the development and international operation of the Queue-it software services.
Garey Symington
Garey works with Queue-it customers in the North and South American regions to ensure they are getting the most out of our solution.